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🌟 Self-Sponsorship Skilled Worker Visa

If you’re considering setting up or already own a business in the UK, our Self-Sponsorship Skilled Worker Visa service offers a streamlined pathway to UK residency. By being sponsored by your own UK company, you can navigate the visa process with confidence and secure settlement opportunities.


  • Age 18 or over
  • Active and genuine UK company with a Skilled Worker sponsor license
  • Valid Certificate of Sponsorship for the intended job role
  • Genuine job vacancy at an appropriate skill level
  • Salary meets threshold requirements
  • English language proficiency (CEFR Level B1)
  • Financial stability without relying on public funds
  • Compliance with TB and criminal record certificate requirements

Application Process:

  1. Establish a UK company or ensure your existing company is registered in the UK.
  2. Apply for a Skilled Worker sponsor license for your UK business.
  3. Assign a valid Certificate of Sponsorship to yourself for the designated job role.
  4. Apply for the Skilled Worker visa, demonstrating eligibility and meeting all requirements.

How We Can Help:

  • Business Setup Assistance: Guidance on registering a UK company from overseas, including compliance with UK laws and regulations.
  • Sponsor License Application Support: Expert assistance in applying for and obtaining a Skilled Worker sponsor license for your UK business.
  • Certificate of Sponsorship Guidance: Ensuring all necessary information is provided for the assignment of a Certificate of Sponsorship.
  • Visa Application Management: Comprehensive support throughout the Skilled Worker visa application process, including document preparation and submission.

Necessary Documents: Ensure you have the following documents ready to support your self-sponsorship Skilled Worker visa application:

  • Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) from your UK company
  • Proof of genuine vacancy for your job role
  • Evidence of meeting skill and salary level requirements
  • English language proficiency certification (CEFR Level B1)
  • Financial documentation demonstrating self-sufficiency
  • Criminal record certificate and TB certificate if required

Embark on your journey to UK residency and business success with our UK Skilled Migration Services. Let us guide you through the complexities of immigration law and facilitate your path to self-sponsored entrepreneurship in the UK.

#UKSkilledMigration #SelfSponsorshipVisa #BusinessMigration 🚀

Where and How to Apply for Visa?

The Tier 2 (General) visa application is submitted online through the UK government's official website. Our team will guide you through the entire process, ensuring a smooth and efficient application

Yes, you can hold the position of Director and own up to 100% of the shares in your company.

No, there's no specific investment fund requirement. However, showcasing sufficient funds may strengthen your case.

Unlike the Innovator Founder route, the Skilled Worker route doesn't require innovation. Any business type can qualify.

While not mandatory, a detailed business plan can enhance the credibility of your UK business.